Carbon Recycling Fund Institute Application Guidelines for FY2024 Research Grant Program (General category)
These application guidelines are made in Japanese and translated into English. The Japanese version is the original and the English version is for reference purposes. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between these two versions, the Japanese version shall prevail.
Objectives of the Research Grant Program
- ● CRF focuses on the importance of promotion of innovation in carbon recycling and will begin a call for proposals through the CRF research grant activities.
- ● Individual researchers (or teams), regardless of the organization they belong to, are eligible to apply. The program expects research results that contribute to the achievement of carbon neutrality by 2050 and is open to a wide range of fields ranging from chemistry, fuels, and mineralization to negative emissions such as biomass.
- ● In collaboration with New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) and other organizations, the program has already produced achievements in the past that were conducive to state-sponsored projects. CRF also provides support in commercialization of research achievements.
- ● International efforts are important in achieving carbon neutrality. Therefore, CRF expects research collaboration with overseas companies and research institutions.
- ● CRF has been putting efforts into developing human resources such as launching the Carbon Recycle University (workshop-style training program) and expects many young researchers to take this opportunity.
- ● Under the same objectives, CRF establishes a startup category with a simplified application form.
Startup category website:
* Applicants may submit application for both the startup category and the general category.
* Startups companies, small and medium businesses, and corporations especially in their seed/early stage and researchers planning to start business are encouraged to apply for the startup category.
* As for the startup category, the grant will be awarded to several individuals/teams.
* The amount of the grant will be up to 10 million yen for each recipient, and the term of the grant is expected within two years.
Research Grant Targets
A) Research on carbon recycling and related technologies for using CO2 (or materials containing carbon atoms or carbon) as a resource to solve social issues; and B) research in the fields of social science and institutional design intended for achieving carbon recycling and technologies contributing to mitigation of climate change. Please check the application guidelines for details.
Amount of Grant
The amount of the grant will be up to 10 million yen per application and awarded to approx. 10 individuals/teams.
(The average amount of the past two grant programs was approx. 7 million yen per recipient.)
Period of Grant
The research period subject to the grant shall be until July 31, 2026 from the date when grant decision is made.
However, the grant is provided on the conditions that, after one year passes from the date when grant decision is made, the recipients is to give presentation at the progress report meeting and submit the interim report.
Application Period
From , May 7, 2024, to 17:00, Friday, June 7, 2024.
No public briefing for researchers will be held. If you have any questions, please contact us at the address given under item (8) below.
In the event that the affiliated institution’s seal cannot be obtained on the application form by the submission deadline, the application form will be accepted without a seal. In such case, however, a sealed application form must be submitted by Friday, July 5.
Handling of Personal Information
Unless otherwise required by law, etc., the Institute will not provide any third party with the personal information provided in the submitted documents without a prior consent of the individual.
Documents and Forms
・Grant Application Form (Form1, Form 2, and Form 2 Appendix 1)
・Guidelines for Research Grant Program
The Secretariat (Application Submission Address and Contact Information)
Person in charge: Shiokata (Mr.)
Address: Daiwa Daiichi Misu building 3F, 2-34-7, Nishi-shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 〒105-0003
TEL: 03-6432-0011
Microsoft Forms for application:
submission Box:
Email: grant[at]
Please change [at] to’@’.